Thursday, October 25, 2007

Getting Started

Well, Sisters, here goes! We are starting a Recipe Group blog so that we can better share our recipes with each other and have them all in one place for easy access. Here's how it works: please email any recipes you would like to submit to Make sure to let us know who is sending it in so we can give you credit for your recipe on the blog. The blog moderator will then post them on the blog for all to enjoy. Even if you can't make it to Recipe Group, but you have a tantalizing recipe you'd like to share, please pass it along!

If you have any ideas for the blog or any way in which you think things might work more smoothly, please send an email to the above gmail address. We're going to try to put together an appetizer entry, a salad entry, and an apple recipe entry from past months before the blog was up and running so if you wouldn't mind sending those in, we'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks! We're looking forward to getting lots of great recipes!

November's Theme: Pumpkin Recipes, November 7th